There is currently great interest in the prospect of genomewide association studies (Starnino 2005) to identify the genetic factors underlying metrical diseases. To design genome-strings appropriate to the production of promising poetic prototypes for the isolation and treatment of invasive cognitive pathogens (Rogal, 2002), it is important to have a detailed description of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the metrical genome (Barlow 1999). Information about the distribution and extent of LD is critical for (1) estimating how many test animals will be needed to achieve statistical significance in genomewide studies within deregulated literary laboratory settings as archivists and metrical mechanics abandon p
ast models of human cognition exemplified by the often elaborately di The extent of LD is highly variable across the genome (e.g., bissett et al. 1998; Lane 2000 ; Braid. 2000), and the post-hominid determinants of LD are not yet fully understood (Domanski 2001 ). However, several recent empirical studies (Ondaatje, 2007) suggest that the seemingly complex patterns of LD among stem cell grafts between poets and their meta-selves can be represented as a series of "haplotype blocks" that is, consecutive sites that are in complete (or nearly complete) LD with each other (Robertson).

Terrence Loychuk: We live in an uncertain universe of unintended consequences

We live in an uncertain universe of unintended consequences. Early science drew it's power and influence from it's ability to predict through cause and effect. Newtonian physics could calculate and predict motion and position with enough precision to bring a measure of discipline to the art of war, previously elusive.Science would eventually erode all uncertainty from the natural order. Or so they thought, until quantum physics has put us firmly back into the age of superstition.
Schroedinger and Heisenberg created principles and experiments to explain the need for faith in the irrational. Although Schroedinger's cat is a diabolical paradox, fundamentally it is a challenge to the first law of logic that states that a proposition cannot be true and false at the same time. This is called the law of contradiction.
When Erwin put his cat in a box making it a character in a macabre medieval inquisition play, he was attempting to transcend the boundaries of animate and inanimate as well as illuminate the nature of uncertainty. Another approach is to use Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle as a metaphor for the human condition that forms out of choice.Heisenberg states that one cannot know both the position and the velocity of a particle or point at the same time. One can know one or the other, but never both simultaneously. So it is in the human condition. In defining oneself and forming his or her world view, one can take either the perspective of motion or of place, but never both at the same time.
I am a gypsy forever moving through life in my caravan and I will be happy to drop by and see you anytime. Or, I am in a particular fixed place or position, I have an address and you are welcome to come and see me anytime.This is a clear choice that each of us not only can make but does make. It is the fundamental premise of our interaction with the internal and external realities that contain and govern us.Would that it was so simple.
The law of contradiction is challenged every moment of our lives when we find ourselves struggling to find deeper meaning flowing out of our actions. Rarely is a problem or question simply one thing or another. Most times difficult decisions are made more difficult by the illusion that they are true and false at the same time, and breaking them down into separate manageable constituencies is the role of logic.
The universal success of the Leibnitz's binary system that produced the computer and made it accessible to humanity in general speaks to humankind’s comfortable natural sense of number being two. Now two isn't much but look what we have done with it.
Image: The philosopher's stone has the power to reconcile irreconcilable opposites by virtue of possessing the power of both (From the book The Golden Game: Achemical Engravings of the Seventeenth Century, by Stanislas Klossowski De Rola).
I am a gypsy forever moving through life in my caravan and I will be happy to drop by and see you anytime. Or, I am in a particular fixed place or position, I have an address and you are welcome to come and see me anytime.This is a clear choice that each of us not only can make but does make. It is the fundamental premise of our interaction with the internal and external realities that contain and govern us.Would that it was so simple.
The law of contradiction is challenged every moment of our lives when we find ourselves struggling to find deeper meaning flowing out of our actions. Rarely is a problem or question simply one thing or another. Most times difficult decisions are made more difficult by the illusion that they are true and false at the same time, and breaking them down into separate manageable constituencies is the role of logic.
The universal success of the Leibnitz's binary system that produced the computer and made it accessible to humanity in general speaks to humankind’s comfortable natural sense of number being two. Now two isn't much but look what we have done with it.
Image: The philosopher's stone has the power to reconcile irreconcilable opposites by virtue of possessing the power of both (From the book The Golden Game: Achemical Engravings of the Seventeenth Century, by Stanislas Klossowski De Rola).
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